As Salsita, s.r.o., with its registered office at Štefánikova 18/25, 150 00 Prague 5, Company ID: 272 04 201 ("We"), We disclose the following information in our capacity as an obliged person pursuant to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., Whistleblower Protection Act ("the Act"):
Who can make a notice?
- Employee. You are an employee whether you work for us on the basis of an employment contract or on the basis of other work performance contracts.
- Agency worker. You may also submit a notification if you are an agency worker temporarily assigned to work for Our company.
- Other positions. You can also make a notice if you are doing an internship or apprenticeship at Our company or are volunteering with Us.
- Employment candidate. If you are applying for one of the positions under (to (c), you may also make a notice, particularly in relation to a breach of antidiscrimination rules in the selection procedure.
- Former employee. You can submit a notice even if you no longer work for Us. However, the notice must relate to a possible violation that occurred while you were working for Us.
Who are we excluding from filing a notification?
We have the option under the Act to exclude the receipt of notifications from certain persons. We therefore exclude the receipt of notifications from:
- Associates. If you are an associate (a person owning a share of Our company), you do not have a right to make a notice.
- Members of the elected body of Our company. If you are a member of an elected body of Our company (e.g., an executive officer), you do not have the right to make a notice.
- Persons who perform other tasks within the scope of Our company's activities. If You are acting in Our interest, on Our behalf or for Our account, You cannot make a notification under the Act to Us.
- Persons who are not in an employment relationship with Us. If you are not in an employment relationship with Us, you cannot make a notification under the Act to Us.
Although We exclude the possibility of filing a notice for these persons, we appreciate it if you informally let us know about potentially problematic conduct by Our company or Our employees and contractors.
How can you make a notice?
You can make a notice in one of the following ways:
- To the e-mails and phone numbers listed below in Article 4.
- In person. You can also meet Our ombudsman or backup ombudsman in person by prior arrangement by phone or e-mail. The meeting will take place without undue delay, at the latest within 14 days of your request, at our headquarters or at another agreed location.
- By mail. Please send letters by registered mail to our registered office address above. Please mark the envelope with "Notice – to the ombudsman only" or "Notice – to the reserve ombudsman only". This will ensure that no one else in Our company will access the notice.
You are also entitled to notify the Ministry of Justice in any of the following ways:
- Through the web interface. Electronically at
- By e-mail. At the e-mail address
- By phone. Via telephone line 221 997 840.
- In person. In person, by prior arrangement with authorized Ministry of Justice personnel.
We would be pleased if you decide to deal with the notice directly with Us first before contacting the Ministry.
Who handles notices on Our behalf?
Notices in Our company are handled by the Ombudsman: Ing. Klára Březinová, e-mail address, telephone number: +420720737849.
If the ombudsman is not available, or if you conclude that he or she may have a conflict of interest, you can also contact the backup ombudsman, Ing. Simona Tymichová, e-mail address, telephone number: +420603288579.
Due to Our interest in ensuring maximum anonymity of whistleblowers as well as clear record-keeping and easier handling of notifications, we prefer notices via email.
Where can you find out more information?
For more information on whistleblower protection, please refer to Our internal policy, which is available in Our internal system or upon request.